Playa del Borrego

San Blas was one of our favourite destinations a year ago so we returned to further explore this birding hotspot.

Surfers at Playa de Borrego

Surfers at Playa de Borrego

South of town is a vast beach empty of people aside from a few surfers who come for the waves.

El Pozo

El Pozo

Dozens of fishermen head up the El Pozo River which empties into the ocean here. On the far shore a large flock of pelicans waited on the beach.

Brown pelican

Brown Pelican

A constant stream of pelicans followed the fishermen upriver.

River of Fish

River of Fish

Every few moments a fish would leap out of the water. A closer look revealed the river was teeming with fish.

Frigatebirds over La Isla de la Virgen

Frigatebirds over La Piedra de la Virgen

Across the river beyond the breakwater is La Piedra de la Virgen. Frigatebirds glided on the thermal updrafts high overhead.

Willet at Playa del Borrego

Willet at Playa del Borrego

Every beach has a Willet or two & this was no exception.



A Whimbrel joined in to forage higher up on the beach.

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1 Response to Playa del Borrego

  1. Tom says:

    Almost as good as being there! Thanks, Krista.

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